Fighting for Climate Justice

Our vision is for a strong and powerful network of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people who are connected, empowered to protect country and leading the fight for climate justice.

Join Our Movement

We know that in order to create the power to take down the fossil fuel industry and vested interests that are holding back action on climate change we need to grow our movement in its size, capacity and reach. This means that the way we build power and grow our movement is to have small groups across the country that are able to create change in their local communities and be mobilised for strategic, political campaigns.

  • Who We Are

    Seed empowers First Nations young people to lead change in their communities and take collective action on campaigns that make a real difference.

    First Nations people are on the frontlines of the climate crisis, and as young people, it’s our generation that have the most at stake. We are experiencing rising sea levels in the Torres Strait, the loss of sacred country, diminishing food and water accessibility.

    Our communities, already bearing the brunt of this crisis, must also be at the forefront of driving solutions—protecting country, culture and community from extractive industries .

    Find out more
  • Protect Country

    We are building a movement for climate justice led by and for First Nations young people, together with impacted communities, to win campaigns that protect our country, culture, and communities.

    Through this work we create the power to take down the fossil fuel industry and empower communities who are leading the solutions on the frontlines.

    Stand with us to protect Country!

    Find out more

Stand With Us To Protect Country!

Seed is 100% funded by our supporters. Make a tax-deductible donation to help power our campaigns to fight to protect country, culture and communities from the causes and impacts of climate change.

Your support and solidarity ensures that we can continue to build the movement for climate justice with young mob at the forefront, leading solutions to protect Country.

Sign Up To Our Newsletter

Seed amplifies the voices of frontline communities most affected by climate change, recognising that they hold the knowledge and solutions for a climate-just future.

Find out more about our community led campaigns supported by First Nations youth to protect Country, culture, community, and climate.

We will also send you updates about our impact work with communities on the frontlines, actions from our Grassroots Network, or ways you can take action to influence policymaking decisions and create impact.