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Don't Frack The Kimberley

Stand with us to protect Country, culture, and communities from the impacts of extractive industries.

Stand up and Protect Country

Texan frackers Black Mountain (Bennett Resources) are planning to drill 20 new gas wells and frack them up to 70 times - each well using up to a massive 100 million litres of water and a toxic mix of chemicals.

We know that the climate crisis is here and now - and opening up new gas will be devastating to Country, culture, our communities, and our climate.

They’re proposing to drill vertically 2-4 km deep and then horizontally for over 3 km underground.
While they’re starting with 20 wells, this is just the tip of the iceberg. Once they’ve established themselves, this could expand into tens of thousands of wells across the Martuwarra Fitzroy River catchment. Each well would require massive amounts of water and chemicals, all injected at extreme pressure to release fossil fuels.
We know that wastewater can be radioactive. In 2015, test wells in the Kimberley brought this contaminated water back to the surface. The Kimberley experiences big wet seasons - meaning there's a risk of overflow! This would be devastating.

We have an opportunity to stop this - will you join us?

Don't Frack the Kimberley

I'm Standing up for Country

We are building a movement for climate justice led by and for First Nations young people, together with impacted communities, to win campaigns that protect our country, culture, and the climate. Through this work, we shift power away from the fossil fuel industry, back to communities who are leading the solutions on the frontlines.

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Stand With Us To Protect Country!

Seed is 100% funded by our supporters. Make a tax-deductible donation to help power our campaigns to fight to protect country, culture and communities from the causes and impacts of climate change.

Your support and solidarity ensures that we can continue to build the movement for climate justice with young mob at the forefront, leading solutions to protect Country.