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Our Featured Articles section, highlights stories and insights from media publications that amplify the voices of First Nations youth and climate advocates. These articles delve into the challenges and solutions surrounding climate justice, showcasing the leadership of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities on the frontlines. Explore the latest perspectives on protecting country, culture, and climate.

  • Articles

    Nuclear energy would harm Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples

    Nuclear energy would harm Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ health, wellbeing, and connection to Country. In response to Minister for Climate Change and Energy Chris Bowens' announcement, Seed shared with Croakey Media their call to Protect Country.

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  • Articles

    Frack Free Kimberley: Protecting Our Water, Clean Country, Healthy Community

    The Kimberley region, known for its stunning landscapes and deep cultural significance, is under threat from fracking. Yisah Bin Omar, a Djukun woman, is supporting the Frack Free Kimberley campaign to protect this precious and unique environment. In an interview, Yisah shared her perspective on the importance of the Kimberley, the dangers of climate change, and the urgent need to ban fracking in Western Australia

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  • Uplift First Nation voices in the climate movement